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Mối quan hệ giữa tính thanh khoản trên TTCK và hiệu quả hoạt động của ngân hàng

. . *****Nhap du lieu tu data1210 trong file Excel data1010.xlsx . import excel data1210.xlsx, sheet(“data1210”) firstrow clear . drop in 73 (1 observation deleted) . order ID Code Year EROE ROE NIM EVA GDP CPI SMV LEN BTA SIZE RISK LIQ TAX CAP COE NTA LAB COM BDEV . label variable Code “Stock ID” . label variable EROE “Excess ROE” . label variable ROE “Return on Equity” . label variable NIM “Net Interest Margin” . label variable EVA “Economic Value Added” . label variable GDP “GDP growth” . label variable CPI “Inflation” . label variable SMV “Stock market volatility” . label variable LEN “Lending/GDP” . label variable …

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