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500 câu trắc nghiệm Kinh tế lượng – 9C

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the
Construct a scatter diagram for the given data.


Trắc nghiệm Kinh tế lượng 4

Trắc nghiệm Kinh tế lượng 4

Trắc nghiệm Kinh tế lượng 4

Trắc nghiệm Kinh tế lượng 4

Trắc nghiệm Kinh tế lượng 4

8) Find the best predicted value of y corresponding to the given value of x. Eight pairs of data yield r = 0.708 and the regression equation \(\hat y\) = 55.8 + 2.79x. Also, \({\bar y}\) = 71.125. What is the best predicted value of y for x = 4.8?
○ 71.13
● 69.19
○ 57.80
○ 270.63

9) Based on the data from six students, the regression equation relating number of hours of preparation (x) and test score (y) iS \(\hat y\) = 67.3 + 1.07x. The same data yield r = 0.224 and \({\bar y}\) = 75.2. What is the best predicted test score for a student who spent 7 hours preparing for the test?
○ 74.8
● 75.2
○ 59.7
○ 78.1

Use the given data to find the equation of the regression line. Round the final values to three significant digits, if necessary.


● \(\hat y\) = -3.79 + 0.898x
○ \(\hat y\) = -2.79 + 0.898x
○ \(\hat y\) = -2.79 + 0.950x
○ \(\hat y\) = -3.79 + 0.801x

Is the data point, P, an outlier, an influential point, both, or neither?
Trắc nghiệm Kinh tế lượng 4

○ Both
○ Influential point
● Neither
○ Outlier

Use the given information to find the coefficient of determination.
12) A regression equation is obtained for a collection of paired data. It is found that the total variation is 113.3, the explained variation is 77.7, and the unexplained variation is 35.6. Find the coefficient of determination.
○ 0.458
● 0.686
○ 1.458
○ 0.314

Use the computer display to answer the question.
13) A collection of paired data consists of the number of years that students have studied Spanish and their scores on a Spanish language proficiency test. A computer program was used to obtain the least squares linear regression line and the computer output is shown below. Along with the paired sample data, the program was also given an x value of 2 (years of study) to be used for predicting test score.

The regression equation is: Score = 31.55 + 10.90 Years.


S = 5.651 R-Sq = 83.0% R-Sq (Adj) = 82.7%

Predicted values

FitStDev Fit95.0% CI95.0% PI
53.353.168(42.72, 63.98)(31.61, 75.09)

What percentage of the total variation in test scores is unexplained by the linear relationship between years of study and test scores?
○ 82.7%
○ 83.0%
○ 8.9%
● 17.0%

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