112 câu trắc nghiệm Kinh tế lượng – Phần 1

3. Conclusive research design
KTL_003_C3_1: Which of the following methods can be used in administering survey instruments?
○ Personal interview
○ Mall intercept
○ Internet
○ Mail interview
● All of the above
○ None of the above
KTL_003_C3_2: All of the following are advantages of surveys, EXCEPT:
○ Surveys can tap into factors that are not directly observable
● One can accommodate large sample sizes at relatively modest costs
○ Administration of surveys is relatively easy
○ One can make extensive use of probing questions using a survey
○ Survey data can be used with advanced statistical analysis
KTL_003_C3_3: Most conclusive research designs involve qualitative research techniques.
○ True
● False
KTL_003_C3_4: What does CATI stand for in marketing research?
○ Computer anonymized telephone interaction
○ Computing & analysing technical information
○ Computer associated telephone interaction
● Computer assisted telephone interviewing
○ None of the above
KTL_003_C3_5: Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a self-administered survey?
○ Cost per survey
○ Respondent control
○ Interviewer-respondent bias
● Flexibility
○ Anonymity in responses
KTL_003_C3_6: What observation method is the most flexible?
● Personal observation
○ Mechanical observation
○ Audit
○ All of the above
KTL_003_C3_7: The survey method involves a structured questionnaire administered to a sample of a population and designed to elicit specific information from respondents.
● True
○ False
KTL_003_C3_8: Descriptive designs involve mostly experimentation.
○ True
● False
KTL_003_C3_9: Cross-sectional designs and longitudinal designs are at times compared with a photograph and a movie respectively.
● True
○ False
KTL_003_C3_10: Method of observation depends on:
○ Directness of approach
○ Respondent’s awareness of being observed
○ The rigour of information and structure
○ Observation recording method
● All of the above
KTL_003_C3_11: What different types of personal interviewing methods are used in marketing research?
Personal interviewing methods used in marketing research are broadly classified into in-home interviews, executive interviews, mall-intercept interviews and purchaseintercept interviews. In-home interviews are conducted in respondent’s home with a structured question and answer exchange between interviewer and the respondent. As the respondent is in the comfort of their home the likelihood of them answering the questions is higher in comparison. In case of executive interview, the exchange happens in the office of the business executive. These types of interviews are conducted to gather industry related or market related information. Mall-intercept interviews, as the name suggests, are face-to-face personal interviews which take place in a shopping mall. Mall shoppers are stopped and asked for feedback or certain issues. In case of purchase-intercept interviews respondents are stopped and asked for feedback on the product bought.
KTL_003_C3_12: Discuss the difference between cross-sectional and longitudinal research designs.
The cross-sectional design is the most common and most familiar way of conducting marketing research. It involves collection of information from any given sample of population elements only once. The objective of cross-sectional design many times is to establish categories such that classification in one category implies classification in one or more other categories.
A longitudinal design is much more reliable than a cross-sectional design for monitoring changes over time, because it relies less on consumers’ mental capabilities and more frequently monitors events as close to their time of occurrence as feasible. The primary objective of longitudinal design is to monitor change over a period of time. It involves a fixed sample of population elements that is measured repeatedly. The sample remains the same over a period of time, thus providing a series of pictures which, when viewed together, portray a detailed illustration of the situation and changes that are taking place over a period of time.
The major difference between cohort analysis and longitudinal design thus is the sample. While longitudinal design adheres to a single sample, it changes every time the research is conducted in cohort analysis. In simple terms, the same people are studied over time and same variables are measured.
KTL_003_C3_13: Discuss causal designs and experimentation.
Causal research is most appropriate when the research objectives include the need to understand the reasons why certain market phenomena happen as they do. To measure this however, the data must be gathered under controlled conditions – that is, holding constant, or neutralizing the effect of, all variables other than the causation variable (in the case above packaging change). After neutralizing the effects of other variables researchers manipulate the causation variable and measure the change in the effect variable (in the case above supermarket sales). Manipulation of the presumed causal variable and control of other relevant variables are distinct features of causal design.
Experimentation as a technique is generally used when conducting causal research. There are two kinds of experimentation techniques available to researchers namely (a) laboratory experiment and (b) field experiment. A laboratory experiment is one in which a researcher creates a situation with the desired conditions and then manipulates some while controlling other variables. The researcher is consequently able to observe and measure the effect of the manipulation of the independent variables on the dependent variable or variables in a situation in which the impact of other relevant factors is minimized. A field experiment on the other hand is a research study in a realistic or natural situation, although it too, involves the manipulation of one or more independent variables under as carefully controlled conditions as the situation will permit.
Data collected through experimentation can provide much stronger evidence of cause and effect than can data collected through descriptive research. While experimentation is a robust technique to find causation and assist manager in decision making there are several limitation associated with it. These limitation mostly concern with the time involved in experimentation, costs and administration difficulties.
KTL_003_C3_14: Write a brief note on survey methods.
Survey methods tend to be the mainstay of marketing research in general. They tend to involve a structured questionnaire given to respondents and designed to elicit specific information. Respondents are asked variety of questions regarding their feelings, motivations, behaviour, attitudes, intentions, emotions, demographics and such other variables. The questions are asked via direct face to face contact, post, telephone or internet. The responses are recorded in a structured, precise manner.
The survey method is popular for various reasons. One of the major reasons is that data collection is a function of correctly designing and administering the survey instrument (i.e. a questionnaire). This means unlike exploratory design based techniques survey methods rely less on communication, moderation and interpretation skills of the researcher. Survey research allows the researcher to create information for precisely answering who, what, how, where and when questions relating to the marketplace. Furthermore, survey methods have ability to accommodate large sample size and therefore increase generalizability of results. In case of survey methods researcher can easily distinguish small differences. Furthermore, researcher can easily adopt robust advance statistical methods on collected data for gaining results. Such advantages make survey methods quite popular.
While survey methods provide several advantages, there are several limitations also. These limitations stem mostly from instrument development, respondent errors and response bias. Developing accurate survey instruments is a difficult task and at times is time consuming. Furthermore, due to instrument measurement being structured in nature, in-depth and detailed data structures as gathered in exploratory research cannot be collected. One of the major problems with survey methods is to determine whether the respondents are responding truthfully or not. There is little crosschecking and flexibility available in comparison to exploratory designs. There is also a possibility of misinterpretations of data results and employment of inappropriate statistical analysis procedure.