112 câu trắc nghiệm Kinh tế lượng – Phần 1

Tổng hợp 112 câu trắc nghiệm + tự luận môn Kinh tế lượng, nội dung phần Nghiên cứu Marketing (Marketing research) có đáp án và lời giải thích kèm theo (bằng tiếng anh). Nội dung bao gồm 8 chương như sau:
1. Introduction to marketing research
2. Exploratory research design
3. Conclusive research design
4. Sampling
5. Measurement and scaling
6. Questionnaire design
7. Data preparation and preliminary data analysis
8. Report preparation and presentation
Phần 1 gồm nội dung của 4 chương đầu.
1. Introduction to marketing research: Scientific research approach and Problem definition
KTL_003_C1_1: The process of marketing involves all of the following EXCEPT:
○ Product
● Production
○ Pricing
○ Distribution
○ Promotion
KTL_003_C1_2: Problem identification research is undertaken to:
● Help identify problems that are not apparent on the surface and yet exist or may exist in the future.
○ Develop clear, concise marketing segments.
○ Help solve specific research problems.
○ Establish a procedure for development of a primary research plan.
KTL_003_C1_3: Which of the issues listed below would be addressed using problem-solving research?
○ the need to understand market potential
○ the need to understand current cultural trends
○ the need to understand changes in consumer behavior
● the need to determine where to locate retail outlets
KTL_003_C1_4: Every marketing research project is unique in its own sense.
● True
○ False
KTL_003_C1_5: Marketing managers require the information from marketing research for various reasons.
Which of the following is/are the reason(s) for the requirement of that information?
○ More and more companies are facing international competition.
○ Consumers have become very demanding and are asking for newer products and services all the time.
○ Managers are becoming distant from consumers due to layers in organizational hierarchy.
● All of the above.
KTL_003_C1_6: In contrast to marketing researchers, management decision-makers are more focused on:
○ scientific and technical analysis of emerging phenomenon
● market performance
○ proactive research
○ long-term strategic investigation of marketplace
KTL_003_C1_7: A research project can involve both problem identification and problem-solving research.
● True
○ False
KTL_003_C1_8: To convert a management dilemma into a research question what should a manager and researcher focus on:
○ The decision making environment
○ Alternative courses of action
○ Objectives of the decision makers
○ Consequences of alternative actions
○ None of the above
● All of the above
KTL_003_C1_9: Conducting marketing research guarantees success.
○ True
● False
KTL_003_C1_10: Marketing research can assist in the decision making process
● True
○ False
KTL_003_C1_11: Explain problem identification and problem-solving research in details. Are these two types of researches related?
Problem identification research is undertaken to identify problems that are perhaps not apparent on the surface and yet exist or are likely to exist in the future. On the other hand, problem-solving research is undertaken to arrive at a solution to an existing problem.
Problem identification research and problem-solving research compliment each other because once a problem or opportunity has been identified, problem-solving research can be undertaken. Similarly, once a problem solving research has been carried out, a research might new problems emerging out of the results and may require problem identification research. A given marketing research project may combine both types of research. The example of green tea in the UK elaborated on these two aspects in the book chapter.
KTL_003_C1_12: What are the limitations of marketing research?
There are two major limitations of marketing research.
○ It cannot provide decision directly. Marketing research can assist in decision making process as a decision support tool but cannot be used as a decision making tool.
○ It cannot guarantee success. Marketing research is carried out mostly on a sample of respondents who at times may not represent the population at large. Marketing research if conducted in the right manner may assist in better decision making however it cannot guarantee success.
KTL_003_C1_13: Explain in details the process of marketing research.
Most marketing research involves obtaining information from marketplace directly or indirectly and therefore the common ground is in the realm of method and technique.
The scientific marketing research process can therefore be defined in five stages. (1) Problem or opportunity identification; (2) Exploratory research; (3) Hypothesis development; (4) Conclusive research and; (5) Result. Many researchers also break down this process into further components such as explained in the phase-wise marketing research process section of the book chapter.
KTL_003_C1_14: When converting management dilemma into research questions, what issues should be considered and why?
A manager when faced with a dilemma is surrounded by various elements of decision making namely: (1) The decision making environment; (2) Objectives of decision maker; (3) Alternative courses of action and (4) Consequences of alternative actions. If the research question is developed without keeping the above four elements in mind there are all chances that there would a bias in the early stage of the research which will carry itself further in the total process and may lead to wrong conclusion.